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Date: 03.11.2008
Game / Squad: 2on2 Alpha
Opponent: CSDG / Crosshair Style Deluxe Gaming
League: Stammkneipe 4a [Matchlink]
Maps: de_train de_aztec
de_train de_aztec 24 : 0
{USE} Team: Psygnosis, Veritas
CSDG Team: Niemand
Server: USE War Server
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#40 by Ollie 09.08.2013 - 23:28
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#36 by Idana 12.07.2013 - 14:02
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MichaelI’m 57, was “husky” as a kid….got fit in college…..lived fit until about the last 10 years….got so eat up in work/relationship, I lost my way. Then somewhere here on the net..between this blog and that…got back in touch with who I am and who I want to be. Dropped 40 pounds….and yeah…I still feel FAT, but I look great in my clothes, didn’t I just read that. This is where you really need to love yourself…guard carefully against aneorexia. It’s really easy to step over that line and its all tied to body image and the narcissistic tendency. I was there about 10 years ago, man I went for so long without eating, in the quest for that perfect shape, I started to see “stars” and pass out. My relationship of 20 years was in the toilet and I really just wanted something, anything else, after that for a couple of years I went to O>A> meetings. I was trying to sort out my relationship and how it was affecting my behavior. I was suprised to find so many bulemic and aneorexic people who so loathed themselves, everyone was just looking for a little love and forgetting to love themselves. But I learned a lot from them, a lot about acceptance….like I thought I had learned when when I came out, but you know life is a process….you never just get to set it and forget it. If you don’t keep learning, growing, exploring, challenging yourself, delving into your psyche and turning it inside out now and then, you might as well lay down and die. Whether your are aware of it or not you are changing…the accumulation of time and experience make subtle changes in the brain and slowly you become a different person, a constant evolution, and every now and then you really need to get intouch with this person and find oud exactly who they are…cause it isn’t you anymore, its someone else looking at you in the mirror and their needs and wants both physical and psychological may suprise you. Love yourself…stay in touch.

#35 by Robinson 09.07.2013 - 19:52
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marcello brito disse:Marcos,eu li a vasta biografia de Chanel com introdução de Constanza Pascolato, A era Chanel.Na biografia nos é informado que Chanel foi bem além de namorar um oficial alemão.Ela foi presa e respondeu a processo por colaboração e espionagem apos o fim da guerra. Foi solta e o processo relaxado por interferencia pessoal de Churchil, mas se exilou na Suiça. Seu nome se tornou tabu na França e seu legado completamente apagado nos anos imediatamente posteriores a Guerra. Tentou voltar em meados dos anos 50 e a coleção apresentada em Paris foi ridicularizada pela crítica e pelos meios intelectuais. O ostracismo e a ausencia de referencias a seu legado permaneceram ate a famosa entrevista de marilyn monroe em que cita o perfume chanel n 5.Com o sucesso retumbante do perfume, o mercado americano, pragmatico, se abriu novamente ao desenho de Chanel e ela voltou a ser referencia, primeiro nos EUA e depois novamente na Europa.Quanto ao MERCADO de arte, ele sempre existiu. Ou melhor, ele nasce junto com o nascimento do conceito do artista tal o conhecemos hoje, ou seja mais ou menos no Renascimento.O que seria do Renascimento e do Barroco se nao houvessem as encomendas dos Medicis e dos Barberinis, né.Será que Velazquez teria alcançado a estatura imensa e se tornado o pintor dos pintores sem a habil politica de relações comerciais com o imperio espanhol que tão majestosamente ele praticou?Quem estuda historia da arte, que jamais foi e jamais será uma disciplina pura, romantica e independente do mercado, sabe que ate a 2 guerra mundial, o vetor e o farol eram Paris, por n motivos, inclusive o mercadologico, mas que com o fim dos conflitos por outros n motivos, a efervecencia , a embriaguez, o grupo, a ousadia, a criação geracional se muda com armas, bagagens, ideias e mercado para costa leste dos EUA com a explosão do expressionismo abstrato, fato historico presente em qualquer livro de historia da arte e que se mantem mais ou menos palpavel, quer se goste ou nao, até os dias presentes.

#34 by Madge 28.06.2013 - 10:16
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HAHAHA, this makes me laugh… the manufacturing cost of these bags are about 100 yuan. Only sold to women with no real education and low manners. it reminds of one time I was in Paris, France, I saw a LV store there, what made me visit it was because on the doors of the LV store, there was Chinese characters saying “Welcome”, so curiously I went in to take a look, I chatted with the salesperson in there, and asked about the Chinese signs, the saleswomen told me that the reason they put Chinese characters there is because most of the customers are Chinese tourists, and added ‘only Chinese tourists are stupid enough to buy LV bags.’ there are 2 class people in China that are the worst – 1) the really low income people, and 2) the really high income people. now you wonder why this is true, because these 2 class are actually the same people! yes!. the really high income people are actually used to be the low income people, then some miracles happened to them(like exploding house price for their farm land), and they suddenly become super fat rich overnight, but still with the narrow mind and manners of the low peasants. and they only know 3 brands in the world, BMW, Mercedes, and LV.

#33 by Elric 28.06.2013 - 10:15
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HAHAHA, this makes me laugh… the manufacturing cost of these bags are about 100 yuan. Only sold to women with no real education and low manners. it reminds of one time I was in Paris, France, I saw a LV store there, what made me visit it was because on the doors of the LV store, there was Chinese characters saying “Welcome”, so curiously I went in to take a look, I chatted with the salesperson in there, and asked about the Chinese signs, the saleswomen told me that the reason they put Chinese characters there is because most of the customers are Chinese tourists, and added ‘only Chinese tourists are stupid enough to buy LV bags.’ there are 2 class people in China that are the worst – 1) the really low income people, and 2) the really high income people. now you wonder why this is true, because these 2 class are actually the same people! yes!. the really high income people are actually used to be the low income people, then some miracles happened to them(like exploding house price for their farm land), and they suddenly become super fat rich overnight, but still with the narrow mind and manners of the low peasants. and they only know 3 brands in the world, BMW, Mercedes, and LV.

#32 by Ethanael 28.06.2013 - 10:15
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HAHAHA, this makes me laugh… the manufacturing cost of these bags are about 100 yuan. Only sold to women with no real education and low manners. it reminds of one time I was in Paris, France, I saw a LV store there, what made me visit it was because on the doors of the LV store, there was Chinese characters saying “Welcome”, so curiously I went in to take a look, I chatted with the salesperson in there, and asked about the Chinese signs, the saleswomen told me that the reason they put Chinese characters there is because most of the customers are Chinese tourists, and added ‘only Chinese tourists are stupid enough to buy LV bags.’ there are 2 class people in China that are the worst – 1) the really low income people, and 2) the really high income people. now you wonder why this is true, because these 2 class are actually the same people! yes!. the really high income people are actually used to be the low income people, then some miracles happened to them(like exploding house price for their farm land), and they suddenly become super fat rich overnight, but still with the narrow mind and manners of the low peasants. and they only know 3 brands in the world, BMW, Mercedes, and LV.

#31 by Lorena 27.06.2013 - 07:48
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Counterfeiters are largely based in Asia and third-world Countries. This makes them difficult to locate and eliminate. They distribute via illegal channels, import their merchandise through customs under the radar, manufacture in small fishing towns in Asia. It’s a hush, hush manufacturing process – Reported to be backed by large amounts of money, various mob-esque organizations. They purchase authentic bags, Even $50,000.00 one of a kind designs, take them apart piece by piece and then try to duplicate the design. It’s a complicated, illegal, scary business.LVMH works feverishly to shut down these counterfeiting cells and various websites, but unfortunately, once one website is shut down another is created in it’s place. As long as there is a market for luxury goods, there will be a market for counterfeit merchandise. Louis Vuitton has been dealing with counterfeiters since 1888. When people cannot afford a high-end item, they seek an inferior copy because they think that people cannot tell the difference. They couldn’t me more wrong.

#30 by Agatha 24.06.2013 - 08:09
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MichaelI know what Kyle means in his comments…when you take care of yourself (and I do not mean in a selfish way) but truly take care…everything else falls into place. Last year my I was feeling really bad..I had let a more than a few extra pounds accumulate over the last 10 years….and had become uncomfortable with myself, without really knowning it, everything else in my life was effected. I came to realize that I didn’t love myself and that I couldn’t possibly be loving what I was putting in myself, and that I was killing myself little by little. Time has a habit of doing this anyway, why help?So I started seriously looking at nutrition and how the needs of our bodies change over time. With a few adjustments in lifestyle things changed quickly…I could feel myself healing…and my life healed as well. Because I felt better the people around me did as well…and I have, yes, made an obsession out of it. Its true…you are what you eat…literally. As I work my way through this thing, I am amazed at what I have learned. The other day, some former FDA Commissioner was talking about his new book in which he exposes the dirty truth about the food industry…the fact that they employ food architects whose goal is to is to continually raise what they call the “bliss” factor in processed and prepared foods. Ever noticed that while you might be sated after eating a meal out, that there is a lingering discomfort, hard to identify, but feels like you want something else to eat? Truth is they are layering salt, fats and sugar in these foods to, in essence, turn you into an addict. (for instance many fast food places fry “french fries” then batter coat them and fry them again) Take a look around you, you don’t have to ask “wheres the beef”. The public is fat and its getting worse every day. I stopped eating out, haven’t a while now. Its so much easier to “love” what goes in since I know exactly what it is.Feeling Great and it makes getting proper exercise a pleasure.

#29 by Halil 23.06.2013 - 14:34
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I don't know if it comes in Narrow Width, I've been to the store and all I've seen are normal ones. You'd pbalobry just have to go to a Nike store and try them on.Yes, the numbers in the Nike Free 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 represent how much cushioning they have on a scale from 0-10, 0 being barefoot and 10 being maximum cushioning.-The Nike Free 3.0 is the most minimum running shoe with the thinnest cushioning of all the shoes in the Free series. It is also most like barefoot running, is better for faster workouts/tempo runs, and has the most flexibility of all the Nike Free's and Free Run+'s.-The Nike Free 5.0 is a combination of both the barefoot running with added cushioning for those who may run longer distances or need more cushioning. This is a good transitioning shoe into the Nike Free 3.0.-The Nike Free 7.0 is the most cushioned. Utilizing more cushioning along with some flexibility that is featured in the 3.0 and 5.0.All of the Nike Free's do NOT have arch support, that is why they are considered to be barefoot. The Everyday, in my opinion, is just for other sports. A sort-of cross training shoe that can be used for running along with other sports. And the Free Run+ is a series that is suppose to resemble the Free series. The Free Run+, on the barefoot-maximum cushioning scale is about a 4. It is lighter than the Nike Free 5.0 and is also suppose to resemble a more flexible sole like the Nike Free 3.0, 5.0 and 7.0. The most significant feature in this shoe as compared to the others is that it has arch support.Hope I helped.

#28 by Desiree 23.06.2013 - 07:01
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Heat wouldn't have won that csampionhhip against Mavs WITHOUT Shaq Same for Kobe Kobe is one of the leagues best players right now, especially back in his prime, ability to shoot, drive, and dunk was unsurpassed. BUT He COULDN'T close the deal without Pau Gasol, or Shaq. Two big men who can rebound, and get in the paint.Not hating on Kobe, I give my respect to him. But people need to recognize in order to win rings, you need A TEAM.

#27 by Christine 22.06.2013 - 12:54
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Hi Liana! Actually, San Carlo make their own ice cream and biscuit wefras. And there was a gravy boat full of chocolate sauce! A necessary evil. When I have Ben & Jerry's it's Phish Food for me every time

#26 by Stephanie 22.06.2013 - 12:08
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My concern about NFC push serecivs using an embedded chip to be read by NFC smart phones is creating denial of service through collision (gum foil with gum is good enough but they sell adhesive foil for counters that works as well) and impersonation (placing your own NFC chip to redirect users to a different destination, similiar to fake mag swipes on ATM/Gas machines here in the USA).Display-based QR codes on mobile phones that can be captured by a camera on these posters can probably do this same service on a much safer, secure and mass level.

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